21 TV Shows That Explore the Unexplained

Strange and unexplained occurrences happen in both the real and television worlds all the time. Whether you believe or not, these shows will keep you guessing.

23 Of TV's Most Scientifically Inaccurate Tropes

We focus our attention on 19 frequently used gimmicks on some of our favorite TV shows that are misleading at best, and at worst, could be dangerous!!

45 New and Returning Shows You Want to Watch This Summer

It's the time of year that sneaks up on you. Just when you thought all the best TV has gone off the air there's a surprising influx of great programming.

9 Ways History's Alone Helps Prepare You for the Apocalypse

What are the chances you'd survive if you were dropped off in the middle of nowhere with only 10 items? History Channel's Alone can help save your life. Find out how.