Once Upon A Time Photos from "Mother's Little Helper"

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Will we finally learn the truth about the Black Fairy on Once Upon A Time Season 6 Episode 16?

Rumple's made his distaste for fairies clear for as long as we've known him. We know the Black Fairy did a number on Gideon.

But why does she have so much power? And will Emma joining Gideon's quest truly stop her once and for all?

His parents are counting on it.

Scroll through the photos below and then share your thoughts with us! What does Rumple know? Will Belle be the one to bring Emma to their side?

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1. Worried Parents - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Belle and Rumple are struggling with how to help their son. Gideon's determined to kill the savior. They know they can't let that happen. But will they be able to stop him in time?

2. How Did This Happen? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Belle tried her best. She thought sending Gideon away would make his life easier. Instead, he ended up rapidly aging while in the care of his evil grandmother. That's a lot to weigh on any mother's mind.

3. Clutching the Dagger - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Rumple's keeping his dagger close. Nothing new there, but we imagine he's holding it tighter than usual. The last thing he wants is for it to fall into his mother's hands.

4. Grim News - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

It's rare for Mr. Gold to have a smile on his face. But things appear tenser than normal for the Dark One. He knows better than anyone how much damage the Black Fairy can cause.

5. Company? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Rumple doesn't appreciate the interruption. We know he normally likes to work alone, but he did tell Belle they needed to do what they could to save their son. And the town. Did he mean it?

6. Greeting the Guests - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Rumple and Belle face a difficult task. They need to convince Emma to help Gideon with his plan. Will Rumple finally explain what's so terrible about the Black Fairy?

7. Power Meeting - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Emma and Snow bring their concerns to Rumple and Belle. That has to be an awkward moment considering their son wants to kill Snow's daughter.

8. Belle's Choice? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Rumple's looking toward Belle for the answers. It's probably best to have her try to convince Emma to help rather than Rumple doing it himself. There's less bad blood between the ladies.

9. Mother Daughter Tag Team - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Snow and Emma are NOT happy about the latest developments. We can't blame them for that. Thanks to Gideon, Emma thought her true love had left her behind.

10. How Far Will Emma Go? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Gideon wants the savior to help him kill his grandmother, the Black Fairy. Naturally, Emma's first response is no way. But Rumple's son can be rather persuasive when he needs to be. Or, he'll threaten her. Again.

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Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16: "Mother's Little Helper"
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Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

Rumple: If you want answers, I suggest you start by asking nicely.
Emma: I'm done with nice. Your son has a death wish. Which, if he messes with me one more time, I'm happy to fulfill.
Snow: And I'm happy to help. We've been looking for some mother-daughter bonding.

Regina: I've cleaned up almost all my evil half's messes. Town line protection spell? Check. I freed that dragon from the mirror world. Check. Got Dr. Dolittle out of that cage.
Henry: [looks confused]
Regina: Don't ask.
Henry: [nods]
Regina: I undid everything Except for the big one.