18 Breathtaking Moments from This Week's This Is Us

This Is Us did it again. The NBC drama made us cry our eyes out during a trip to Memphis. Here are 18 reasons why.

15 TV Bartenders Who Will Help You Drink Away Your Worries

Whether they're good at listening to your problems or simply helping you forget them with a strong drink, these TV bartenders certainly are memorable.

The Blacklist Photos from "The Apothecary"

Red's on a mission and the FBI is dealing with a dangerous blacklister. Check out these photos from The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 15, "The Apothecary."

Supernatural Photos from "Family Feud"

Crowley's son? Rowena helps again? Check out these pictures from Supernatural Season 12 Episode 13, "Family Feud."

18 Beloved Shows Coming to an End in 2017

There are so many shows we love coming to an end in 2017 we've lost count, but these 18 are already leaving their painful marks on our fragile minds.

Riverdale Photos from "Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness"

The Blossom family has invited his classmates to attend their son's funeral, and Archie gets the opportunity to develop his music on Riverdale Season 1 Episode 5.

10 Reasons Rachel Lindsay Will Be A Great Bachelorette

From her bond with other contestants to her dance moves in the streets of New Orleans, Rachel Lindsay has made an impression. We're ready for her find love on The Bachelorette.

The 100 Photos from "A Lie Guarded"

Political intrigue and power struggles continue on The 100 Season 4 Episode 4, while Abby searches for answers. Check out these preview photos!

Grey's Anatomy Photo Preview of "Back Where You Belong"

First look at photos for "Back Where You Belong." Alex is back and Maggie is on a case with none other than her ex, DeLuca, and her crush, Nathan. Check it out!

13 Fabulous Looks & Lines of Diane Lockhart

In honor of The Good Fight, premiering tonight on CBS All Access at 8/7 C, I've gathered some of Diane Lockhart's best outfits and quotes from six seasons of The Good Wife.

Quotables from Week Ending February 17, 2017

Who turned the best phrase for the week ending February 17, 2017? The only way to find out is to scroll through our most quotable moments. Do it now!

Shadowhunters Photos from "Love is a Devil"

Alec uses his brother's Rune Ceremony to introduce Magnus to the family, and Simon makes a bold move on Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 8. We've got the photos!