TV Entertainers Who Passed Away in 2016

We're paying our respects to those we lost from the world of television entertainment during 2016. It felt atypically ferocious, and these people will be missed.

Once Upon a Time Midseason Report Card: Sinking 'Ships, Big Twists and More!

We're talking about some of the highs and lows so far on Once Upon a Time Season 6. Who did we pick as our MVP? Read on for that answer, and more!

15 TV Reunions That Made Our Hearts Sing

We love that sense of nostalgia we feel any time actors from our favorite shows come together again on something new. If you agree, check out these fun TV reunions!

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Midseason Report Card: Best Song, Biggest Surprises and More!

What do we think of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's sophomore season? Who deserves an Emmy? Which 'ship are we in love with? What's our favorite song? Check it out here!

15 Times TV Sent Us to an Alternate Reality

TV can take us anywhere, including the alternate realities and parallel universes of characters we love. Where would you like to go today? Check our list!

17 Tremendous TV Tushes

Bare bottoms have made many appearances on TV throughout the years and we think it's time to honor the tush. Here's our list of tremendous tushes!

17 Midseason Replacements That Hit the Jackpot

What do Grey's Anatomy and Happy Days have in common? They debuted at midseason. What other shows hit the midseason jackpot? Check out our list!

Gotham Photos from "Ghosts"

Jerome Valeska makes his return on Gotham Season 3 Episode 12, but what else is happening in Gotham City? Check out the photos to catch a sneak peek!

2016 TV Fanatic Awards: All the Winners!!

We have tallied the results and your votes have been counted...the winners may shock and astound you, but it's your voice that set the victors free!

Lethal Weapon Photos from "Homebodies"

What's in store on Lethal Weapon? Check out these episodic photos and find out now!

14 Shows That Alienated Their Fan Base

Good TV shows can go bad in an instant and it makes us viewers question why we watched in the first place. We have a list of 14 TV shows that alienated their fan base.

The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Midseason Report Card

Despite some not-so-great moments and at least one episode that fell totally flat, The Big Bang Theory Season 10 has been pretty enjoyable so far.