17 Starcrossed Couples Who Can't Catch a Break

If you have ever watched two people, clearly in love, dance around the idea of being together you know what I'm talking about. These TV non-couples are beautifully frustrating.

Cloak and Dagger Series Premiere: Everything You Need To Know

Marvel's Cloak and Dagger made its big debut on Freeform with an action-packed two-hour series premiere. If you missed it, here's what you need to know to jump right in.

13 TV Friendships That Should Turn Romantic

Friendships are a beautiful thing, but sometimes the people in them are destined to be together in a romantic sense as well. Which do you hope will take that next step?

Cloak and Dagger Quotes

Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!

Brigid: I’m not here to arrest your daughter, Ms. Bowen. I’m here because I think she’s a victim.
Melissa: With what?
Brigid: The best I can tell is that she’s been mixed up in an assault. I want to protect her; I can promise you that. But, in order for me to do that, I need to talk to her.
Melissa: Here’s the thing about Tandy. If there’s any heat on her, she’s probably already run away.