10 Best Shows of 2018

Two thousand eighteen may inundate us with television, but when it comes to the best, it can be innovative and quite spectacular. See what stood out this year.

14 Impressive TV Performances from 2018

Some of the best actors are on television. If you don't believe us, look at the following list filled with incredible talent. You won't be disappointed watching them!

19 of the Best Plot Twists of 2018

There's nothing better than a great plot twist that keeps viewers' eyes glued to the screen! TV Fanatic celebrates the best plot twists of 2018!

17 Characters With The Best Alter Egos

As their regular selves, these Characters are well-liked but sometimes they display a different side to them that we sometimes wish would stick around for a while longer.

31 Lethal Couples You Don't Want To Cross

A couple that slays together, stays together. That couldn't be any truer in the case of these couples who are deadlier together than they are apart.

21 TV Characters Who Could Use A Therapist

October is the mental health awareness month, but our dedication to our beloved yet troubled characters need to be on a daily basis. Is your favorite character a part of the list?

23 Spy Shows to Satisfy Your Espionage Addiction

While James Bond may be the king of the espionage world, there are many spies on the small screen whose stories are just as compelling. Here are 23!

15 Underrated Emmy-Nominated Shows That Deserve More Love

Some Emmy-nominated shows get critical recognition but are still lacking viewership in mainstream audiences. Check out 15 of our favorites that we think deserve more love!

17 Finales That Really KILLED

Finales can be real killer episodes. Here are some of the shows that saw characters exit with finality this season. Which deaths were huge surprises? Sad but expected? Long overdue?

27 Phenomenal Female Spies and Secret Agents

Move over, James Bond! Spies of the female persuasion have been dominating the small screen since the 1960s. Is your dream life filled with espionage and intrigue?

Counterpart Quotes

Howard, why do you think I brought you in on this? For your great tactical skill, your great knowledge of this whole fuckin' thing? I need to pretend to be you, take Baldwin out myself.


I have a new book. 'You, you, only you exist.'
