Quotables for Week Ending April 22, 2016

The best quotes for the week ending April 22, 2016, are coming at you! We let the characters do the talking on our behalf once a week. Find out what they have to say!

Quotables for Week Ending April 15, 2016

April 15th often gets a bad rap as tax day in the US, but not this year! And ending our quotables on the day makes it even better. Read on for what's in store!

2015-16 Season: New Shows on Tap!

These are the new series announced for the 2015-16 season. Which sound the most appealing? Click around and decide!

Game of Silence Quotes

Jackson, Boots is our brother. He doesn't need just any lawyer. He needs you.


Gil: The guy Boots attacked was Daryl.
Jackson: Daryl from Quitman?