15 Bromances That Turned Deadly

We're looking at some of our favorite TV bromances that took a deadly turn. Whether accidental or intentional, some involved the ultimate sacrifice for the other.

19 of the Best Plot Twists of 2018

There's nothing better than a great plot twist that keeps viewers' eyes glued to the screen! TV Fanatic celebrates the best plot twists of 2018!

12 of the Worst Plot Twists of 2018

Sometimes our favorite TV shows take a wrong turn, and we're left scratching our heads in wonder. Here are the worst plot twists we've had to deal with in 2018.

29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

It's those left behind who suffer and here are 29 times this year where we never thought we'd recover. Find out if your heart was gutted like ours!

17 Characters With The Best Alter Egos

As their regular selves, these Characters are well-liked but sometimes they display a different side to them that we sometimes wish would stick around for a while longer.

19 Times the Enemy Was Closer Than We Knew

The hidden villain, the sleeper agent, the call that comes from INSIDE the house. Here are 19 baddies who looked so good they were entrusted with EVERYTHING.

13 Villains With The Hottest Rides

No one said being bad had to be a chore. We have put together a list of 13 bad guys who appreciate only the finest means of transportation.

27 Strong Sci-fi Chicks Who are Natural Leaders

Lots of science fiction shows have strong females who make impressive leaders. Read on for the best female leads are in Sci-fi, and why we think they belong in that role.

31 of the Finest Gentlemen on Television

There are plenty of hot men on television, but it's the true gents that really set our souls on fire. Here are 37 men we think fit the bill.

40 Best TV Duo Height Differences

There is something aesthetically pleasing about a couple with a height difference, especially a TV duo that has growing feelings for one another. Which perfect couple do you think has the most memorable height difference?

35 Worthy Contenders if Emmy Recognition was Fair!

The Primetime Emmy's are an honor bestowed upon talented actors and exceptional series, but they're often imbalanced. Check out a list of worthy but deprived contenders!

Renewal Scorecard 2018-2019: What's Coming Back?

Which shows are coming back during the 2018-2019 season? We have a complete list that includes shows from the broadcast, cable and even streaming networks. Read on!

Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.