23 Characters Who Prove The Mind is the Best Weapon

If you had to choose, would you rather be an incredibly strong or an incredibly smart fighter? Even though both sound appealing, we're going with the latter.

17 Toxic Male Characters TV Tried to Disguise

It's all too easy to overlook the bad things male characters do on television when it's for the "right reasons." But does that make it okay? We think the answer is no.

The CW Renews 10 Dramas: Which Shows Missed the Cut?

The CW has renewed 10 dramas, and that means there were some left out in the cold. Does this spell doom for the others? Get all the details right here.

The 100: 21 Times (Zeke) Shaw Made Us Smile

The 100 Season 5 introduced us to a scene-stealing presence in the form of (Zeke) Shaw and there is just not enough appreciation being bestowed on him right now.

The 100: 19 Significant Friendships Poised To Take the Platonic Throne

The 100 is known for the main friendship between its leads, but there are many platonic connections on the show that are very underrated and deserve more appreciation.

23 "Epic Loves" That are Epic Fails

Relationships aren't always as beautiful as they may seem. Check out 23 "epic" couples who never should've been together in the first place!

23 of the Most Enviable TV Hugs EVER!

There is no celebrating National Hugging Day without looking back at all the TV hugs we wish we could have been a part of in some way.

13 Similar TV Ships You Should Take for a Sail

Did you just finish a series? Are you looking for a new ship to ruin your life? Don't worry! We put together an "If you ship this, you'll probably ship that!"

15 WTF Moments from 2018

Even our favorite TV shows can make us question what the powers that be were thinking. Here are 15 decisions from 2018 that were totally uncalled for.

13 Characters Who Melt at the Sight of Their Love

Don't you just love those characters who can't help but melt around one specific person? No matter how collected they act around everyone else? They're absolute goners!

17 TV Couples That You Forgot Dated

There are just those TV couples that happened and yet you completely forgot that they ever dated. Which TV couples do you always forget were together at some point?

The 100: 39 Softest Bellamy and Clarke Moments

These platonic soulmates almost don't seem to know how to stop being so soft around each other, so it made sense to collect some of those moments into a comprehensive list.