29 TV Characters Who Look Good in Orange

Some TV characters are guilty, some are innocent, and some have been framed. But the one thing they all have in common? They can impressively pull off an orange jumpsuit.

19 Insignificant Relationships We Barely Remember

Do you know those characters who show up for a quick romance and are never seen again after it's over? Honestly, we often forget that the relationship ever happened.

23 TV Characters Who Were Secretly Crushing on Their Friend

Who doesn't love a little pining when it comes to television romances? Check out 23 characters who tried (and usually failed) to keep their feelings on the down low.

13 Confessions of Love That Ended in Rejection

Making your feelings known is always a risk, and sometimes it's worth taking a chance. However, there are those times when you don't get the answer you were hoping for.

19 Kisses That Happened Under Life or Death Circumstances

Oddly, some of the most romantic moments happen when characters think they're about to die. Check out 19 kisses that took place during dire circumstances.

17 TV Friendships That Turned Romantic Over Time

Getting to see TV friendships grow over time into something romantic is an underrated trope that deserves more love because of how adorable the journey always is.

13 TV Couples That Get Away With Murder (And Other Crimes)

Some couples go out dancing. Others see movies. These couples think the only way to do date night right is to steal tons of cash and kill anyone who gets in the way.

13 of the Greatest Female Antagonists on TV

All female characters bring something special and unique to their respective series. Check out our list of antagonistic ladies we just can't help but love!

21 Most Secure Relationships on Television

Will they/won't they couples are great, but every TV lover needs that one ship they can always count on. Check out 21 of the most secure relationships on television!

19 Slowburn TV Ships That Destroyed The Moonlighting Curse

Slowburn ships always run the risk of not being explored or happening too late, and yet there are successful TV ships that prove just how much potential comes from there.

21 Powerful Female Characters That Prove God is a Woman

Who's your favorite female character? Yup, it's an impossible question. But somehow we were able to narrow our list down to 21 powerful women we adore.

13 Love Stories We're Glad Weren't Told

Some relationships are doomed to go in the wrong direction. Not all stories are meant to be romantic. What's a love story you're glad was shut down before it began?

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
