13 Shows That Wasted Our Time

In the peak TV era, there are some shows that are not worth wasting your time on. Such as? We're so glad you asked!

Quotables for Week Ending March 31, 2017

As we said goodbye to two beloved long-running series, check out some of the best-said words on television for the week ending March 31, 2017.

Quotables for Week Ending March 24, 2017

Empire returned, there was a Supergirl/Flash musical. What else could be found during the week that brought happiness to our ears? Check out the most quotable moments.

11 Most Disappointing TV Shows of 2017

Not every year can bring forth riches in TV viewing, and if the beginning of 2017 is any indication, we're in for a long, disappointing year.

Quotables for Week Ending March 18, 2017

Discover the most quotable moments of the week from your favorite shows. It was a rather weak week, so let's see who rose to the top! Read on.

Time After Time Quotes

You write about life without actually living it.


In five generations, utopia will have come to pass. That's where I belong.

H.G. Wells