The 100: 61 Times Bellarke Debunked Their “Non-Romantic Soulmates” Title

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37. When Bellamy almost confessed his love for Clarke before the end of the world on 4x06 "We Will Rise"

All of Clarke's goodbyes end with an "I love you," but Clarke wasn't having it this time. She wouldn't even let him finish his thought because she refused to even acknowledge that she might not see Bellamy again.

38. When Bellamy spent his first night in space with a bottle from the drink he never got with Clarke on 4x13 “Praimfaya"

It's impossible not to feel the sadness radiating off of this scene. Bellamy's been trying to have a celebratory drink with Clarke for a while, but when the chance finally came she wasn't with him to share it.

39. When Clarke looked heartbroken when she discovered Echo and Bellamy were together on 5x05 “Shifting Sands”

Not only did they focus on Clarke's reaction to this scene, but the actual kiss was completely blurred out. The sole reason for this shot was to take in Clarke's expression. It was obvious from her face that whatever she was feeling, definitely wasn't happiness.

40. When Clarke tells Abby about her feelings for Lexa and the camera takes in Bellamy’s reaction on 4x01 “Echoes"

So why did Kane look at Bellamy when Clarke's feelings for Lexa were revealed? And why did we get a shot specifically focused on his reaction? Unless the camera man's hand slipped it's safe to say it was on purpose.

41. When there was that not so subtle transition between Clarke and Bellamy on 2x09 “Remember Me”

One of the most common uses for the dissolve transition is when there is a strong visual relationship between the outgoing and the incoming images. Interesting.

42. When Clarke called Bellamy every single day for six years on 4x13 “Praimfaya"

This feels like The 100's version of "I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year!" The only difference is that Clarke was on year 6 and she still didn't give up hope that Bellamy would come back.

43. When Clarke said she would do anything if Roan spared Bellamy on 3x02 "Wanheda: Part Two"

Anyone else getting Tangled vibes? Just another time Bellamy and Clake have paralleled another romantic relationship.

44. When Roan knew the only way to break Clarke's resolve was by threatening Bellamy on 4x05 "The Tinder Box"

Roan saw firsthand just how important Bellamy was to Clarke and used that against her. He knew that when it came down to it, threatening Bellamy was the only way to get Clarke to cooperate.

45. When Bellamy threatened to kill hundreds of people if they didn't release Clarke on 5x03 “Sleeping Giants”

It's also interesting to note that the script read "Bellamy’s eyes meet Clarke’s, and for just one moment, everything else melts away," during this scene. Because bros always look at each other like that.

46. When Madi recognized Bellamy straight away from Clarke’s stories on 5x03 “Sleeping Giants”

The fact that Maddie picked out just Bellamy in the crowd and trusted him immediately to save Clarke says a lot about the stories Clarke told her.

47. When Diyoza thought they were a couple on 5x04 "Pandora's Box"

When even characters we barely know think they're a couple based on their interactions, there's no way it's all in the fans' heads.

48. When Lexa could tell there was something more between them on 2x14 "Bodyguard of Lies"

What is it about Clarke's romantic interests always being jealous of her bond with Bellamy?

49. When Clarke hid the fact that calling Bellamy every day kept her sane on 5x05 "Shifting Sands”

Calling Bellamy on the radio every day helped her keep hope alive. In addition to Maddie, the hope of seeing Bellamy again kept her going. The fact that she chose to hide this from him says a lot about how deeply she feels for him and how nervous she was to express it.

50. When Clarke heard Bellamy's voice on the radio and looked like she had never been more at peace on 2x11 "Coup de Grace"

Clarke had given up all hope, but as soon as she heard Bellamy's voice you can visibly see just how relieved she is.

51. When Octavia compares Bellamy’s feelings for Clarke as the same as feelings for Echo on 5x08 "How We Get To Peace"

Bellamy's sister outright stated that Bellamy loved Clarke. And not just any kind of love, the same type of love he feels for his girlfriend. It really doesn't get any clearer.

52. When Clarke looked at him like THAT on 2x16 "Blood Must Have Blood: Part Two"

There is nothing sisterly or friendly about this expression. Have you ever seen Clarke look at Monty like this while the music was swelling?

53. When Bellamy poisoned his own sister because she was going to kill Clarke on 5x08 “How We Get To Peace”

Bellamy never put anyone above his sister. Like, actually never. But there's something about Clarke that makes her safety his number one concern.

54. When they held each other like a married couple and ended Book One together on 5x13 "Damocles – Part Two”

What better way to end Book One than having your platonic soulmate pull you into their arms?

55. When Bellamy sacrificed his relationship with Clarke to keep her safe on 5x09 "Sic Semper Tyrannis"

If you really love someone you put their needs above your own. Bellamy did the best thing for Clarke even if he knew she would never forgive him for it.

56. When Clarke was jealous of Bellamy kissing Echo on 5x06 “Exit Wounds”

Everything single shot on television is thought out and there for a reason. That's the only comment that can be made because this gif really speaks for itself.

57. When Bellamy lost his chill at the idea of losing Clarke on 3x02 "Wanheda: Part Two"

We've never seen poor Bellamy in such despair. He lost all rational thought and paid no attention to consequences when Clarke was taken by Roan.

58. When Monty and Harper chose Bellamy and Clarke to take care of their child on 5x13 "Damocles – Part Two”

The ultimate Bellarke shippers. What better way to get your favorite couple together than have them co-parent your child?

59. When Bellamy made the ultimate sacrafice so Clarke wouldn't be alone on 2x16 "Blood Must Have Blood: Part Two"

This wasn't a choice Bellamy would've made for anyone. Clarke very well could have pulled that lever on her own, but he wanted her to know that he would be with her every step of that way.

60. When Bellamy carassed Clarke's face (again) on 3x02 "Wanheda: Part Two”

What is it with Bellamy and gently pushing hair out of Clarke's face?

61. When they greeted each other like two adorable losers in love after 125 years on 5x13 "Damocles – Part Two”

This is pretty reminiscent of a scene between Clarke and her boyfriend in the first season. There's really no difference except Clarke looks ten times softer at Bellamy than she ever did at Finn.

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The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.