The 100 Photos from "Stealing Fire"

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A new Grounder Commander must rise. But will it happen on The 100 Season 3 Episode 9? And who will it be?

After Lexa's horrible demise at TItus' hand on The 100 Season 3 Episode 7, Clarke and Murphy wound up locked in Clarke's room while Titus removed Lexa's body and prepared for the ceremony in which the new Commander would be chosen.

So, things are looking pretty bleak for Clarke and Murphy going into "Stealing Fire." Luckily (maybe?), Roan and Ontari appear to arrive in order to attend the ceremony. Will the new Commander be Ontari, the late Queen Nia's Nightblood/second-in-command? Or will it be young Aden, Lexa's most promising young Nightblood warrior-in-training?

Meanwhile, back at Arkadia, Octavia has made her way back (ostensibly with Indra), as Kane awaits execution after being sentenced to death by Pike on The 100 Season 3 Episode 8. He also appears to share a close moment with Abby.

We're not due to return to the chaotic world of The 100 until Thursday, March 31st, but in the meantime, feast your eyes on these recently released episode pictures and speculate along with us! Be sure to drop us a line by commenting below as well.

1. A Kabby Moment - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Kane and Abby share a close moment while Kane is on death row.

2. Up To Something - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Harper seems to be up to something. Are Harper and Miller planning a rescue for Kane? Bellamy chose not to turn them in, so in all likelihood, they haven't been imprisoned (yet, at least).

3. Back at Arkadia - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Octavia appears to have made her way back to Arkadia, after Clarke failed to meet up with her to head home from Polis. Are she and Indra plotting an attack on Pike and his followers?

4. Aden Pays Tribute - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Aden, Lexa's most promising Nightblood initiate, stands over the body of the fallen Commander. Will he be taking her place, as Lexa had assumed?

5. At Lexa's "Funeral" - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

We don't really know what the Grounders call the ceremony in which the body of a previous Commander is laid to rest, so for our purposes let's call it Heda's funeral. It's interesting that Murphy, of all people, is the one who's wound up there next to Clarke -- her only support in Polis.

6. Shocked - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Clarke looks a bit surprised to see someone, as Lexa's body lay in the background.

7. Roan and Ontari Arrive - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Oh, hey! Look who it is (finally)! Roan, the king of the Ice Nation, and Ontari, the Nightblood right hand woman of the late Queen Nia, Roan's recently deceased mother. Odds are they've arrived in Polis for the ascension in which the next Commander is "chosen."

8. Kneeling Before Titus - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Ontari kneels before Titus, possibly brandishing some kind of weapon. Is she attacking him, or is this part of the process for becoming the new Commander? Hmm....

9. Looking Uncomfortable - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Titus is looking mighty uncomfortable at this ceremony. Are the people at his back with him or against him? Will he face any retribution or consequences for Lexa's accidental murder?

10. Roan's Got Clarke's Back? - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Well, Roan is literally to Clarke's back, which would seem to suggest he has her back in a figurative sense. Then again, we're not really sure where his allegiances lie. He's been gone for several episodes and though he was clearly Team Lexa the last time he saw her, who knows what may have changed in the interim.

11. Unhappy Clarke - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Unsurprisingly, Clarke isn't looking too thrilled to be dealing with a ceremony centered around the recent, grisly death of her beloved Lexa. Plus, last we saw, she and Murphy seemed to have been trapped at Polis by Titus when he locked them in her room after removing the Commander's dead body.

12. Worse for Wear - The 100 Season 3 Episode 9

Yeesh. Murphy's looking worse for wear, after his brutal torture at the hands of Titus. At this point, he is the single character who knows more than anyone else about the connection between Polis and Polaris, and about the connection between ALIE 2.0 and the Grounders' Commanders. What a long way he's come since his violent, villainous days of season one.

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The 100 Season 3 Episode 9: "Stealing Fire"
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