The CW Awards: Best Supporting Actor Nominees

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The 2014 CW Awards are here! Vote now and decide which of these stars should win Best Supporting Actor.

1. Steven R. McQueen

Try to ignore his guns for a minute and focus on Steven R. McQueen as an actor: Does he deserve your vote?

2. Michael Trevino

Michael Trevino has portrayed Tyler Lockwood since the first episode of The Vampire Diaries. His role has increased each season.

3. Zach Roerig

Zach Roerig is the man behind the Mystic Falls Grill. He's always been a calming influence on The Vampire Diaries.

4. David Ramsey

David Ramsey has got Oliver's back. The actor has been a sidekick extraordinaire since day one on Arrow.

5. Tim Matheson

Tim Matheson is a veteran actor who has found a home on Hart of Dixie. He's been known to direct an episode or two as well.

6. Rossif Sutherland

Rossif Sutherland has made a name for himself on Reign. The actor portays the famous figure of Nostradamus.

7. Austin Basis

What would Beauty and the Beast be without Austin Basis? A lot less funny, that's for sure.

8. Misha Collins

Misha Collins will be a series regular again on Supernatural Season 10. But he played less of a (still awesome) role on Season 9.

9. Mark Sheppard

Mark Sheppard has appeared on nearly every television series of all-time. But he's remained a valuable part of the Supernatual universe for years.

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Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
