Cedric Survives, Jimmy & Faina Cut From So You Think You Can Dance

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We envisioned a teary-eyed wrap-up for Cedric Gardner, the unique but too raw hip-hopper, with dancers sadly giving him hugs and pats on the back while barely hiding the elation that it was Cedric cut from the program, not them.

Faina Savich
But Cedric Gardner skated through.

Thanks, inexplicably, to mind-changing judge Mia Michaels, Cedric was given a reprieve after dancing for his life in another crazy solo, leaving Faina Savich (pictured) - who held her own in the foxtrot and ended up dancing last night only because of Ced's own ineptness - heading home instead.

As Nigel Lythgoe said, it all came down to the uniqueness versus experience in their decision to axe Jimmy Arguello, a contemporary dancer, over Cedric. But did the right people go home? And what else stood out on last night's results show?

Follow this link to continuing reading our complete guide to last night's results episode of So You Think You Can Dance ...

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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