Days of Our Lives Spoilers: November 19-23

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Next week, on Days of Our Lives...

Monday, November 19
Sami convinces E.J. that she really cares for him.
Roman threatens to arrest Kate.
Bo escorts Steve to the police station.
Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson) pleads with Belle to call off the wedding.

Jay Kenneth Johnson Photo
Tuesday, November 20
Belle learns Hope talked to Kayla about the affair.
Hope gives Belle her blessing on the eve of the wedding.
Kayla catches Stephanie taking a home pregnancy test.
Sami reads Will's farewell letter.
Lucas says he wants custody.

Wednesday, November 21
Shawn overhears Bo and Hope discussing Philip and Belle.
Philip accuses Belle of keeping him dangling.
Shawn calls Philip and asks him not to attend the wedding.
Stephanie and Kayla check the test.
Ford threatens the girls and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) hits him.

Friday, November 23
Billie keeps Philip company on the day of Shawn and Belle's wedding.
Belle is overcome with memories of Phillip.
Hope listens to Belle's voicemails.
Lucas reveals the name of his daughter.
Marlena (Deidre Hall) begs Stefano to let Sami leave E.J.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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