Shonda Rhimes: Watch What Happens

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Shonda Rhimes speaks! The Grey's Anatomy creator and executive producer posted some thoughts on last night's premiere on her official blog. But basically, she's content letting this terrific episode speak for itself - and telling us we ain't seen nothin' yet ...


So Derek got dead, Mer and Cristina got old together, and Izzie showed Denny her prom dress.

Such is the stuff of dreams.  Which was kind of my theme. For this episode.  And this season. Dreams. And whether or not they come true.

This is Season Five, people.

We, the writers, we call it our all in, go for broke season. We’re like the Chief – the bar has been raised and we’re the ones raising it. For us, Grey's Anatomy is new again. Full of chances and possibilities. Our characters are new again, starting fresh. We’re hopeful again.

And we’re enjoying being hopeful. All the rules are changing.

I know you are wondering, “Okay, what does this mean?” And I could tell you. But I’d rather you watch and see for yourselves.

Watch what happens with Meredith and Derek, Cristina and that guy Owen, Callie and Erica, Bailey, the Chief, George, Lexie, Mark, Izzie and Alex.

All the clues for this season are right there in this first episode. Nothing happens without a reason. Every line of dialogue has a point.

At least, I hope it does. I’m pretty tired but I think I’m right.

That’s all I’m going to say. Because we’re shooting the eighth episode right now. And I’ve got to get to the set to watch a scene being filmed.

So you’ll have more to watch.

I’ll try to write more later. Thanks for sticking with us. We’re going to do our damnedest to make it worth your while.

The bar has been raised, people. Consider yourselves on notice.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

COOPER: "It's wrong?"
NAOMI: "You need to meet a grown up. You need to date someone your own age."
VIOLET: "Someone without a porny internet name and perhaps no criminal past."
NAOMI: "A nice girl."
VIOLET: "A reliable girl."
NAOMI: "Someone who you can have a relationship with."
VIOLET: "You’re a respected doctor."
NAOMI: "Go out in the real world. Meet a woman your own age and go out."
VIOLET: "Be a man."

ADDISON: "You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband."
NAOMI: "It’s actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It’s very healthy. We're healthy."
ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."