Smallville Sneak Peek: "Supergirl"

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Supergirl returns to Smallville this Friday night, but it's another caped hero that may be in danger.

In the following clip, Lois learns that the true identity of The Green Arrow may be revealed to the world. Will this actually take place? What will Lois do with the information? Return to TV Fanatic soon after the installment concludes for a complete rundown of "Supergirl."

[video url="" title="Supergirl Clip"] [/video]

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."