How I Met Your Mother Round Table: "Mystery vs. History"

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Our critic may not have felt this week's episode was the strongest in his review, but that's not going to stop Chris O'Hara from joining in on this week's How I Met Your Mother Round Table.

So pull up a chair and take a seat as we discuss the reveal of the gender of the new baby Eriksen and everything else important from "Mystery vs. History," such as smart phones and America's favorite food.

Whats the weirdest thing you ever found out about someone online prior to or while dating them?

Chris: I can't remember ever learning anything strange about a person I dated online, granted it has been a number of years since I've been on one.  In retrospect I was really rolling the dice with each night out. I'm surprised more people didn't wake up in a tub of ice to find that their kidneys had been harvested.

Leigh: I honestly can't even think of anything which is odd. I guess "douchebag" doesn't really register on Google.

Eric: You guys are either terrible at dating or online stalking.  Either way, let me take it from here.  My favorite and constantly recurring find?  Their "modeling mayhem" profile pages.  Also fun, and ironic as I write about it here?  Reading their various pieces they wrote online.  Doh.  I may be falling victim to Leigh's search.

According to Robin's smart phone Americans favorite food was "bread," while Barney said Chinese food.  What do you think is America's favorite food?

Chris: From the highest end version made from chopped prime rib to the greasiest diner version the hamburger I feel is not only America's favorite food, but very representative of we the people.

Leigh: French fries! 1000 percent.

Eric: Can I combine Chris and Leigh's answers and go with a burger with fries?  Throw in a milkshare and you might just have the prefect artery-clogging representation of America.  No?  Find, along Barney's answer, I'm going with Italian.  We love ourselves a pizza.

Where does the announcement of of baby Eriksen's sex rank amongst your favorite HIMYM moments? 

Chris: It ranks pretty high for me when it comes to the more emotional scenes of the show. Scenes like this and others like when Marshall announced his father's death last season keep the show grounded and prevent it from becoming just laugh track fodder.

LeighIt was cute, especially how it was on Ted's shoe. But am I a bad person if I thought the slapping montage was a way better moment?

Eric: Sure it was cute in the way they learned, but let's face it, we've all known it was going to be a boy.  Whether it was Marshall's ancient Nordic strategies passed down to him by his father, or the fact the they mentioned it was a son in the "Last Cigarette Ever," we knew.

Did the invention of the smart phone really kill the bar debate?  Discuss.  No cheating and using your smart phones. 

ChrisI don't think the bar debate is dead. Like the man in black from The Princess Bride, it's only “mostly dead.” Great debates still exist, but what the smart phone has really done has hurt people's ability to listen. In a text message, tweet dominated society where one can endlessly “say' things without ever getting a response when we actually get a chance to speak with someone face to face it seems that instead of listening to others, we are all just waiting for our turn to speak.

Leigh: YES. Facebook was invented when I was in college and I wish it never was. Everything about technology makes it harder to just date normally anymore. Everytime my friends are out, everyone is on their blackberries or iPhones. I don't just mean my friends, I mean everyone in the bar.

Eric: Damn youngins'.  I remember a time before cell phones, let along smart phones and Facebook.  Then again, I was way too young to be at a bar debating anything.  Wait, what am I rambling about?  Oh yes, the bar debate is live and strong, but only because if you get drunk enough, no amount of Internet or facts can shut you up.  Plus, there's the ongoing counter of "you can't believe everything you read on the Internet."

What did you think of Kal as Kevin in the group?

ChrisKal served a purpose and knew his role. With such a dynamic cast I don't think we should ever expect too much from guest stars because when they try to outshine the usual suspects it comes off as forced not unlike Martin Short's initial appearance as Garrison Cootes.

Leigh: As O'Hara said in his review, Kevin provided the same role as Monica's therapist ex boyfriend on Friends. I like Kal Penn though. That said I'm more looking forward to his next movie than next episode.

Eric: He may have done a great job in his role as the therapist this episode, but I just feel his acting / character is just a little too stiff right now.  Hopefully he'll loosen up and grow on me.  'Cause much like Leigh, I love Kal and can't wait for the Harold and Kumar Christmas movie.

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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