The Secret Circle Round Table: "Loner"

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Welcome to the third edition of the The Secret Circle Round Table!

Ready to dive right into "Loner?" Let's do so, as Matt Richenthal, Eric Hochberger and Jim Garner dissect an episode that focused on what happens when our favorite young coven actually works together...


What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Matt: The kids are cool, but I'm a sucker for the older generation. They can "mark" people?!? What repercussions will that have? All interactions between Charles and Dawn fascinate me.

Eric: Definitely the whole Circle standing up to Zachary. I can't wait to see what happens when more than two of them combine powers. I assume they'll summon the witch version of Captain Planet or something equally awesome.

Jim: It's a coin toss between watching Zachary beat the snot out of Charles (he's had that coming), and seeing Faye standing up for Melissa and telling off Nick. Who knew the witch (with a capital B) was protective of Melissa?

Do Melissa and Nick have a future as a couple?
Matt: Yes, for the same reason I judge all couples: nickname potential. Nelissa? Yuck. But... Mick?!? We have a winner!

Eric: Sure. Friends with Benefits are all the rage these days. Why are they trying to couple up so hard? Just keep things going with No String Attached. See what I did there Movie Fanatics?!?

Jim: If Nick can get past his "double broken" stage and stop hating himself, they just might!

Should Cassie go out again with Luke?
Matt: They do fit my aforementioned qualification (Lassie, people!), but Cassie has enough on her supernatural plate these days. A journal to read, powers to discover, death to avoid. I don't think she has time to worry about date outfits.

Eric: I agreed with Luke, he seemed like a pretty good date. But, I'm sorry, for their safety, I think all witches need to be paired up with one another. So I'm all for Cadam. We'll find Diana a new guy I'm sure.

Jim: Only if it's to another town away from the Circle. I don't think that poor girl will have much of a dating life around the the rest of the coven, especially Adam.

What is your stance on school dances?
Matt: If you go, don't be a wallflower. I know you think it's cool to sit on the bleachers and make fun of everyone else, but, trust me, fellas: girls do NOT find that cool. All they want is for a guy to dance with them. And if you can't dance? Even better because you have the ability to laugh at yourself! It's the right move. You'll thank me later.

Eric: I'm not sure when they became a thing for losers like Faye thinks. If anything, weren't they around just for cool kids to get laid? I wouldn't know. There's a reason I ended up wearing the programmer hat of the TV Fanatic team.

Jim: Only dance I went to was my Senior Prom, where I pulled a Cassie and stood around all night too scared to dance... so I wasn't a big fan. But the after-prom "activities" it lead to made me regret not going to Homecoming, that's for sure.

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The Secret Circle Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

There are still people in this town who remember.


Nick: Why do you wanna go to the dance together?
Melissa: Because I'm feeling kind of slutty!

The Secret Circle Season 1 Episode 3 Music

  Song Artist
Song Style Phil Ogden Band
Girls Like You The Naked and Famous iTunes
Lovesong ADELE iTunes