Scandal Round Table: "Say Hello to My Little Friend"

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The usual choices are Team Jake or Team Fitz. Now there's Team...Hucklivi-ake?

This week's Scandal episode was all about teamwork, as an alliance was formed in the name of learning the truth about Operation Remington and taking down Papa Pope.

Now that we've had time to let our Scandal digest, the TV Fanatic Round Table is here to discuss Scandal Season 3 Episode 4. Join Emily from ABC Scandal Fans and TV Fanatic staff members Leigh Raines, Christine Orlando and Miranda Wicker as they answer the latest burning questions. Chime in with your answers below!


What was your favorite scene or quote from "Say Hello To My Little Friend?"

Emily:  Huck and Jake's confrontation. I can't wait to see how this relationship pans out.

Leigh: Playing on what Emily said, I love when Jake showed up at Olivia's and she told him to get lost and then Jake moved over and revealed Huck. That's when you knew they meant business and Olivia's couldn't ignore it anymore.

Christine: As usual I loved Mellie. She really made me laugh. "Mellie: Give any piece of trailer trash a push-up bra and a microphone and those stupid flyovers will eat it up like fried Twinkies." I also enjoy LIsa Kudrow as Mellie's foil. But the scene that made me go aww was when Mellie left the room after Fitz held her hand and defended her from Cyrus. In her own twisted way she really does love him and his obsession with Olivia hurts like hell. 

Miranda: I loved Huck's outburst at Quinn. He's legitimately struggling right now and she's using that struggle as a way to learn more about how to do what he does. He's in an incredibly unhealthy place and still has the presence to know that he doesn't want that for her. I love Huck.

Was tonight enough to stop Quinn from becoming another Huck?

Emily: I definitely don't think the Huckleberry Quinn confrontation was enough to slow Quinn down. She's got the itch! 

Leigh: Maybe for like a hot second. She'll consider it and try to squash it but it won't fully go away.

Christine: Like Leigh said, Huck's reaction stopped her cold...for all of a minute. I think Quinn is far from done. The girl's got a scary streak I'm sure we're going to see a lot more of.

Miranda: As much as I loved that confrontation, no, I don't think it was. She thinks she's invincible and that the desire to kill people just won't happen to her. She's also wrong. Can't say Huck didn't try though.

If it wasn't, what will Quinn's "drink" be when she completes her transformation?

Emily: If Quinn does finally go all the way, I don't think she'll ever reach Huck's level if super spy. So where Huck is probably on that top shelf whiskey, Quinn's would probably be Wild Turkey. On a side note, because I don't drink often, in looking up brands of whiskey, I found it ironic that there is a "Rowan's Creek" (noted as a top-shelf option) brand by Kentucky Bourbon Distillers and a "Old Fitzgerald" brand by Heaven Hill Distillery.

Leigh: Some big case will come up and I think that she'll resort to torturing some for information. And she'll likely flub it and Huck will have to come in and clean it up. So let's pick a drink that makes people get sloppy like Jager or like Tequila poppers. 

Christine: I see Quinn as a tequila shooters kind of girl. She'll have the shots, the salt all lined up. She'll think she can handle it...and then things will get sloppy.

Miranda: I was thinking back to her date with Gideon when Huck set her up with the fake margaritas, so tequila gets my vote, too.

Better couple: James and Cyrus, Abby and David or Jake and Olivia?

Emily: That's a tough one because I think all three pairs have had these really great moments and they're each great in different ways. In this episode, I loved the moment with James & Cyrus in bed talking about work! The subtext was hilarious! I'm rooting for Abby and David. I think they both still love each other, but I don't believe Abby is playing games with David like he thinks.

I think she's using sex as a shield to keep herself from getting hurt again if David won't take her back. She's trying to come to terms with the fact that she made a mistake in believing the story Harrison & Liv fed her about David being an abuser. As far as Jake and Olivia goes, I kind of see it as the other half of the relationship she needs from Fitz but can't have if that makes sense. Jake can be there when Fitz can't, and it doesn't have to be a secret.

Unfortunately, that's putting Olivia in a tough place and I think the more time she spends with Jake the more she's going to be confused about what she feels for both of them on top of the fact that she's in a very vulnerable place right now. 

Leigh: Jake and Liv. Simply because it gives me hope she can be happy with someone who isn't the President of the United States. She doesn't have to be the heartbroken mistress, in love with an unavailable man. Fitz may love her but he is just plain unavailable.

Christine: I normally love Abby and David but I do wonder how long they'll last if Abby never truly lets him in and is always hiding something. James and Cyrus are great...when Cyrus isn't considering murdering his partner. I just can't get past that tiny detail. And if Fitz refuses to man up and be with Olivia, well then she's got the right to move on. Now that she and Jake are on the same page, I like them together a lot more. Honesty can be sexy and Liv deserves some happiness.

Miranda: When James and Cy are good, they're great. And Jake and Olivia, I mean, I'm a fan. I'm pulling hardcore for them to work out which means they probably won't. I would really like Abby and David to get to just be happy. I need SOMEONE--besides Steven--to get to be happy. So any of those couples are great, but only if they can stay together. And like Christine said, not try to kill one another.

Better interruption: Fitz calling during Jake and Olivia's makeout session or Jake's "more wine" while Olivia was on the phone?

Emily: Definitely Jake's "more wine"!! I was cracking up at that sly dog!!

Leigh: Definitely Jake! Scott Foley came to play and he's not intimidated by the fact that she gets personal calls from Fitz.

Christine:  Definitely Jake's "more wine" comment. He was marking his territory there and I found it telling how quickly Fitz backed down from the challenge.

Miranda: This isn't even a question! "More wine!" All the more reason that Jake's so awesome.

How much does Fitz know about Papa Pope?

Emily: I think he knows way more than any of us thought! I just wonder if he realized he was Olivia's father this entire time because that will just be all kinds of complicated! 

Leigh: Oh lord, we are honestly just scratching the surface. Sometimes I think Fitz is in the dark about stuff the way he was with Defiance. Which means that Shonda will write something about Fitz and his secrets that will blow all of our minds.

Christine:  My guess is that he's in this a lot deeper than any of us suspect but I have to wonder if he has any clue that he's Olivia's father. Wouldn't it be a great twist if he already knew and had the affair anyway?

Miranda: My totally unofficial guess is that he knows way more than he's let on up until this point. Way more. The reality is more like Shonda has something up her sleeve that I can't even begin to imagine.

Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Scandal Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

[to Jake] I need to go back to doing what worked. Eyes straight ahead. No looing around corners. No peeping in shadows. No asking questions. No stepping outside the lines. I need to be a good girl.


[to Olivia] You're safer if I'm here.
