TV Fanatic Round Table: Worst New Show of 2013

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Hey, they can't all be winners.

So while the TV Fanatic staff just spent some time debating the Best New Show of 2013, we've gathered once again below to sound off on the opposite end of the spectrum and to ask readers for their take:

What was the Worst New Show of 2013?

Matt Richenthal: Remember Lucky 7? No? Case closed.

Miranda Wicker: Which one was cancelled first? I'll go with that one because clearly it wasn't good enough to be committed to memory.

Kate Brooks: I'll have to go with the show that I watched twice and barely made it through; probably an unpopular opinion but Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I struggle to look at Andy Samberg and not see him as anything else other than a comedian on SNL.

Doug Wolfe: I love both Anna Faris and Allison Janney (especially the latter in the film "The Way Way Back") but Mom is a complete turnoff.  The premiere was labored and a tad overdone and ridiculous. Knowing that it was created by the undisputed master of comedies, Chuck Lorre, I had to watch a few more episodes before cancelling it from my viewing lineup completely. It's like settling in to listen to a half hour audio session of nails on chalkboard.

Carissa Pavlica: Dads. Oh. My. God. Everyone else complained about the blatant sexism and racism as desperate attempts to push the envelope, but the only thing I found mildly entertaining in the pilot was one if those attempts. Instead it's the sheer lack of originality, humor or endearing qualities of any of the characters that does it. I have watched Without a Paddle and laughed repeatedly dozens of times because Seth Green can normally deliver lines magically. I learned I was wrong. Utter crap.

Dads Cast Photo

Dan Forcella: Dads was awful, but at least I could get through the first episode before deciding to quit. I couldn't get through the first five minutes of Super Fun Night. That was my worst television experience of 2013.

Nick McHatton: I'm with you on Super Fun Night, Dan. I like Rebel Wilson, but Fun Night is just not a good show. At all. It should be quickly killed so The Goldbergs can get some post-Modern Family time.

Steve Marsi: The Millers. It may not be the least funny show on television, but to reduce Emmy winner Margo Martindale to someone who makes jokes about farts? For shame.

YOUR turn, TV Fanatics: What do you think was the worst new show of 2013?

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