Days of Our Lives Recap: Hope & Aiden's First Time

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Jordan got a gun, JJ paid a price, and Theresa was living a bad dream on Days of Our Lives but at least Hope and Aidan found their moment for romance this week in Salem. 

Aidan finally came clean with Hope about his past…well, when he caught her doing a Google search on him he really didn't have much choice.  In a nutshell, the police questioned Aidan about his wife's death and viewed him as a suspect before it was deemed a suicide. He painted a sad picture of an alcoholic spouse and his role in their unhappy marriage but it sounded as though he told Hope the whole truth. Even better was how she quietly listened to every word.

Kissing In the Park - Days of Our Lives

Aidan was so relieved when Hope understood that he confessed he loved her and wanted to be with her…now! Was this too soon?  I wondered if Hope would back out once they got to the hotel. Unless I'm mistaken (there was that stint as Princess Gina?), I believe that Bo is the only man she's ever been with. He's certainly the only man she's ever loved so this was a big step forward.

It appeared that Aidan was more than willing to play cards for the afternoon if that's what Hope chose. Thankfully she had better things in mind. We haven't seen a real romance like this in Salem in quite some time.

Which was probably why Abigail and Ben's romp in his new apartment looked so cheap in comparison. In her short history it's felt as though Abigail's story always surrounds who she's sleeping with. I believed that she had feelings for Chad back when they first got together. She definitely felt passion for EJ but Abby and Ben fall flat for me. Overall, I wish she had a story that didn't revolve around a man. 

Theresa's world came crashing down on her and despite her despicable history, it was a little hard to watch. 

Granted, Theresa was pretty naive when she excitedly told Anne she was off to tell Brady he was going to be a Daddy. Anne brought a good dose of reality as only Anne can in this Days of Our Lives quote

I think he is going to be thrilled to pieces as any guy would be to get the amazing news that an irresponsible, alcoholic chick who he had no commitment to in any way, shape, or form is carrying his child.


Brady was downright mean when those test results came back but then again, he thought this was just another one of Theresa's lies. Even Anne walked out on her. 

It's not that I think Theresa would make a great mother, or even a good one right now but I did feel sorry for her. Maybe this will be the event that allows us to see a little more of Theresa's heart. It's got to be in there somewhere, right? She is Shane and Kimberly's daughter which makes me believe she can't be all bad. 

Finally we get to Eve, JJ, and Paige. 

Am I the only one who gets annoyed with Paige? First she felt entitled to know who her mother slept with, then she demanded to know what JJ needed to talk to Daniel about, neither of which was any of her business.

Eve pushed JJ to break up with Paige and on some level, I see her reasoning. The longer these two are together, the more likely it will be that the truth will come out. Heck, JJ may feel compelled to tell her himself and then Paige loses her boyfriend and her mother because Eve is right. This isn't the kind of thing you come back from. 

So do you think JJ should break up with Paige? Did Theresa's plight garner any sympathy and what were your thoughts on Hope and Aidan's first time?

And don't forget to choose your favorite line from this week's Days of Our Lives. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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