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A kindergarten teacher at Abbott, Barbara Howard takes an old-school approach to the job. Barbara is something of a role model for Janine Teagues.

She's played by Sheryl Lee Ralph.

By TV Fanatic Staff

Ava Fest is back, and with the help of the teachers, Ava’s set on outdoing last year by any means necessary. After Janine accepts the offer for a full-time position at the district, she just has to check off one last thing to make it official.

By Haley Whitmire White

Join TV Fanatic as we get back in the classroom with Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 9. We discuss Janine’s big job news and more in this week’s review!

By TV Fanatic Staff

Jacob is shocked when he finds out his colleagues are not invested in his frequent email messages and haven’t even been writing their own replies. Meanwhile, Gregory turns to Janine for help with a former student.