Emily Gilmore is Lorelai's mother and therefore Rory's grandmother.  Emily had a limited relationship with her daughter as an adult, until they began to bond again with Rory needing money to get into Chilton Prep.

Emily was raises with a strict social code, attended Smith College, and is extremely wealthy.  As a result she is constantly disapproving of her daughter's choices.

Although she's happily married to Richard for most of the series, they have a separation during season five and end up back together.

Emily Gilmore Quotes

Emily: (about the man that Lorelai got pregnant with at 16) Your father would have gotten him a job with his insurance business, and you two would be living a lovely life right now.
Lorelai: Christopher didn't want to be in the insurance business, and I am living a lovely life right now.
Emily: Oh yeah, far away from us.
Lorelai: Oh, here we go again.
Emily: You took that girl and completely shut us out of your life!
Lorelai: You wanted to control me.
Emily: You were still a child!
Lorelai: No, I stopped being a child the minute the strip turned pink, okay? I had to figure out a way to live. I found a good job.
Emily: As a maid! With all your brains and talent!
Lorelai: I worked my way up. I run the place now!

Lorelai: Hi, Mom.
Emily: Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?
Lorelai: (sounding uncomfortable) No, I just, uh, finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by.
Emily: To see me?
Lorelai: Yes.
Emily: Well, isn't that nice. Come in.
Lorelai: Thanks.
(They walk to the living room.)
Lorelai: The place looks great.
Emily: It hasn't changed.
Lorelai: Well, there you go. How are the girls at the bridge club?
Emily: Old.
Lorelai: Well... good.
(Lorelai and Emily sit, opposite to each other)
Emily: You said you were taking a business class?
Lorelai: Yeah, mmhmm, yeah. I'm taking a business class at the college twice a week. I'm sure I told you.
Emily: Well, if you're sure then you must have. (she pauses) Would you like some tea?
Lorelai: I would love some coffee.
Richard: (calling from another room) Emily? I'm home.
Emily: We're in here.
(Richard walks into the living room)
Lorelai: Hi, Dad.
Richard: What is it, Christmas already?

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Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
