Honey Quotes

Eddie: Oh hey, maybe your stepdaughter Nicole would like to join?
Honey: Sure. I'll ask Marvin and then he'll ask her and she'll tell him what the answer is. It's the way we communicate at dinner. (sighs) Takes a long time to get the salt.

At the end of the day children are like silverware. You don't have to clean them that well, just get the food off.

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Fresh Off the Boat Quotes

Louis: Are you ready to do this?
Mitch:: Not really, I feel like I've told you numerous times, I don't want to do this but all you do is smile and nod.
Louis: [Smiles and nods]
Mitch: You're doing it.
Louis: [Smiles and nods[
Mitch: See, you're doing it

If you get lost, try to find a white family. You will be safe there until I can find you.
