Louis Huang is the family patriarch. He moves the family to Orlando to open up a restaurant so he can get out from under the thumb of his brother. He's optimistic

Louis Huang Quotes

Jessica: But this is not the West, this is the south. If we wanted the west we could go to California
Louis: Do you know how expensive California is? This is the West enough. This is fine

Louis: Are you ready to do this?
Mitch:: Not really, I feel like I've told you numerous times, I don't want to do this but all you do is smile and nod.
Louis: [Smiles and nods]
Mitch: You're doing it.
Louis: [Smiles and nods[
Mitch: See, you're doing it

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Fresh Off the Boat Quotes

Louis: Are you ready to do this?
Mitch:: Not really, I feel like I've told you numerous times, I don't want to do this but all you do is smile and nod.
Louis: [Smiles and nods]
Mitch: You're doing it.
Louis: [Smiles and nods[
Mitch: See, you're doing it

If you get lost, try to find a white family. You will be safe there until I can find you.
