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Besides being the Deputy District Attorney, Mark and Lola have been best friends since college.

Mark is engaged to Amy Quinn and recently learned she's still married to help her ex-husband with a medical condition.

Mark craves stability, especially after his issues with his estranged father, Victor

By Laura Nowak

On All Rise Season 3 Episode 18, Emily defended a woman accused of attacking her rapist. Mark received more orders from the Russian mob. Check out our review!

By TV Fanatic Staff

On All Rise Season 3 Episode 18, Emily defends a rape victim who tried to kill her attacker and Mark receives threats from the Russian mob connected to his dad.

By Laura Nowak

On All Rise Season 3 Episode 16, Ness defended a social media influencer in her first trial. Vic Callan returned to town with more drama as Mark was promoted. Our Review!