Girl Plays Guitar on ZOOM

The kid actors on the original ZOOM changed frequently. Here, one of the female kids plays a guitar on the original 1970s ZOOM series created for kids by other kids.

Wembley Fraggle - Fraggle Rock

The most perpetually nervous Fraggle is the yellow-skinned and yellow-haired Wembley, known for "wembling," or having trouble making up his mind all the time.

Scooby Doo Looks Frightened - What's New Scooby-Doo?

Scooby Doo looks frightened in this image, as is often the case in the various shows and movies about the fraidy cat dog detective and his Mysteries Inc. friends.

Mayor H.R. Pufnstuf

Friend to Jimmy and Freddy the Flute and Mayor of Living Island, H.R. Pufnstuf takes them to see Dr. Blinky as they search for ways to avoid Witchipoo and get home.

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Logo

This famous image is from the opening of the classic live-action and puppeteering show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which Fred Rogers hosted for decades.

Sarah Phillips, a Character from Liberty's Kids

Sarah Phillips, pictured, and her friends go on adventures during the American Revolutionary War as they attempt to document the events of the period with Ben Franklin.

LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow Intro

Actor and educator LeVar Burton, who has hosted the children's show Reading Rainbow for decades, opens a book during the educational show's introduction.

Land of the Lost Intro Title

Land of the Lost was a 1970s series produced by Sid and Marty Krofft about a family falling through a vortex and getting stuck in a land of dinosaurs.

Captain Planet Soars Through the Sky - Captain Planet and the Planeteers

Captain Planet of the show Captain Planet and the Planeteers soars through the sky as he works to protect the Earth from polluters and other nefarious villains.

Big Bird on Sesame Street

Big Bird is one of Jim Henson's most iconic Muppet characters. He is a large yellow bird who has been one of Sesame Street's main characters throughout its run.