Bailey Runs the Show

Is there any doubt that Miranda Bailey is in control at all times? Not as far as we are concerned.

Derek and AZ

Derek and Arizona have a conversation. We love both of these characters so much.

Round of Applause

What do you think Arizona is applauding here? We have some guesses ...

Arizona and Cristina

Arizona and Cristina share a smile. What do you think that's about?

Peds Peeps

Will Arizona bring Alex back into the pediatrics fold? That's the rumor going around!

Listening to the Boss

Arizona, Alex, Cristina and Owen look on as Derek addresses the staff for the first time as Chief. How will they react?

In the 'Zona

Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) has been a terrific addition to the cast of Grey's Anatomy. Wouldn't you agree?

U.S.S. Arizona

That's what Dr. Arizona Robbins was named for. The Pearl Harbor vessel famous from World War II. Her father was a military man who believed in honor. She believes in the same!

Teamin' Up Again

It's a team effort and a family affair on the Grey's Anatomy-Private Practice crossover event January 14, 2010. Can Sloane be helped when Mark and Addison join forces?

Teamin' Up

Mark, Addison and Arizona tend to Sloane. Hopefully his daughter makes it.

AZ and Der

Derek and Arizona in "Holidaze." What do you think they're talking about?

AZ and Owen

Arizona and Owen in "New History," from Season 6 of Grey's Anatomy. It looks like a quality episode for sure.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
