Darby's Suspicions - The Spencer Sisters

Darby's suspicions of her mother's boyfriend grow on The Spencer Sisters. "The Virtuoso's Vexation" is the eighth episode of the show's first season.

Hired By an Ex - The Spencer Sisters

The mother and daughter are hired by Darby's ex on The Spencer Sisters. "The Lawyer's Lament" is the seventh episode of the show's first season.

Family Secrets - The Spencer Sisters

An investigation threatens to expose family secrets on The Spencer Sisters. "The Winemaker's Woe" is the sixth episode of the show's first season.

An Attempt On His Life - The Spencer Sisters

Rory is convinced there has been an attempt on his life on The Spencer Sisters. "The Decorator's Debacle" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Confronting the Chef - The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 4

The Spencer Sisters arrived just in time.

The Fake Video - The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 4

Antonio shows Darby and Victoria a video of him, which is faked.

Keeping a Secret - The Spencer Sisters

Darby is asked to take on a case but keep it secret on The Spencer Sisters. "The Restauranteur's Ruin" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.

Oh No - The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 3

Darby accidentally breaks Victoria's expensive cosmetics.

A New Truce - The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 3

Darby and Victoria come to respect each other's boundaries.

Needing Better Office Space - The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 3

Victoria and Darby are crowding each other in the house.

Nerves Are Frayed - The Spencer Sisters

Victoria and Darby's nerves get frayed on The Spencer Sisters. "The Coder's Calamity" is the third episode of the show's first season.

The Spencer Sisters Quotes

Victoria: The prodigal daughter returns. But why do you look like a long-haul trucker?
Darby (to herself): Brand new record.

You couldn’t solve a crime if you committed it yourself, and if you stopped taking leadership packs from the Don Draper School of Management, you would recognize that I’m a better detective than he’ll ever be! I quit!
