Best Buds House

Will Wilson soon find a new relationship? Outside of House, that is.
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Front and Center

Hugh Laurie stars in almost every scene of House. That's what happens when you have a show named after your character.
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Unusual Friends

The episode of House titled "The Social Contract" focused on the friendship between House and Wilson. It's unusual, but they make it work.
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House Image

Kutner updates House on the condition of a patient. But House is more concerned about what's going on with Wilson.
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House and Team

House leads a talented, sometimes dysfunctional team, on the hit Fox drama. Many fans wish Cameron and Chase were still part of this group.
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Judy Greer Guest Stars

Judy Greer guest stars on the House episode "Here Kitty." She looks to be annoying our favorite doctor in this scene.
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House and Patient

In a quasi dream sequence, House chilled on the beach with his patient. The latter is portrayed by Mos Def.
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House and Meat Loaf

Meat Loaf guest stars on this episode of House. He plays a husband who has been dying for many years.
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A Simple Explanation

In "Simple Explanation," a wife that has been caring for her terminally ill husband all of a sudden becomes sick herself. Will she die before her man does?
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Cameron and House

Cameron pleads with House not to ask a patient to essentially kill himself in this scene from "Simple Explanation." The main storyline of the hour, however, was Kutner's suicide.
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House and Wilson Photo

The effects of Kutner's suicide will have far-reaching consequences. House and Wilson discuss it here.
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Dr. Gregory House Picture

Dr. Gregory House leads a team of diagnosticians on new cases every week. He isn't the nicest boss in the world, but he may just be the best doctor mankind has ever seen.
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House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy