Son and Father Moment

Got any advice, dad? Danny sure needs it here, after accidentally shooting a cop.

Fundraiser Applause

Frank claps it up for Tony Bennett and Carrie Underwood in this scene. They sing at a fundraiser for the mayor.

A Frank Reagan Pic

This is Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan. He heads a strong cast of CBS' Blue Bloods.

Frank in Uniform

Look out, Frank! An assassination attempt is made against him on the episode "Dedication."

Re-Do Scene

Frank and his family face a problem on the episode "Re-Do." A trio of inmates are out of prison and unhappy with the Reagans.

Frank Reagan Photo

Frank Reagan is played by Tom Selleck on Blue Bloods. He's the patriarch of this police-based family.

Blue Bloods Press Conference

Frank Reagan is seen here in a photo from the episode "What You See." He and his team are on the lookout for a bomb in Manhattan.

Major Cause for Concern

Frank has reasons to be concerned on the episode "What You See." A bomb might go off in Manhattan.

Delivering a Eulogy

Frank delivers a eulogy in this scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Officer Down."

Frank on a Case

Frank takes on a rape case on the episode "Privilege." The character is played by Tom Selleck.

Frank Reagan Pic

Frank Reagan is the lead character on Blue Bloods. He is portrayed by Tom Selleck.