Jenna Goes Bridezilla

Liz must deal with Jenna's bridezilla side when she's asked to be the maid of honor at her wedding on the season premiere of 30 Rock. "The Beginning of the End" is the first episode of the show's seventh season.
Rating: Unrated

Liz & Jack Square Off

Liz and Jack continue to square off over the 2012 Presidential election on 30 Rock. "Unwindulax" is the fourth episode of the show's seventh season.
Rating: Unrated

Fighting Over Jenna

Liz and Jack fight over Jenna on 30 Rock. Well, over her vote, that is.
Rating: Unrated

Liz & Criss Start a Family

Will Criss and Liz consider starting a family on 30 Rock. "Mazel Tov Dummies!" is the seventh episode of the show's seventh season.
Rating: Unrated

Saving TGS

Liz does all she can to save TGS from cancellation on 30 Rock. "A Goon's Deed in a Weary World" is the 11th episode of the show's seventh season.
Rating: Unrated

Liz and Drew

Liz Lemon tried out a relationship with Jon Hamm's Drew for a couple episodes. It didn't take.
Rating: Unrated

Preparing To Move On

The cast and crew prepare to move on from TGS on the series finale of 30 Rock. "Hogcock;Last Lunch" is the 13th episode of the show's seventh season.
Rating: Unrated