Mozzie and Neal Scene

Mozzie and Neal are pictured in this White Collar scene. It's from the episode "Taking Account."

Chatting with Mozzie

"Dentist of Detroit" gives us a look into Mozzie's past. This is a photo from the episode.

Pals and Schemers

Viewers are taken into Mozzie's past on the episode "Dentist of Detroit." He needs help with a mobster.

Mozzie with Neal

Mozzie and Neal are pictured here on the White Collar summer finale. The latter is seeking revenge for Kate's death.

By the Book Scene

Neal and Mozzie approach a crime scene in this photo from White Collar. Peter is already there, doing his job.

Chat Over Wine

Mozzie and Neal share a chat, over some wine, in this scene from "Withdrawal." It's the season two premiere episode of White Collar.

Mozzie and Neal

Looks like Mozzie might be on to something.

Neal and Mozzie

Neal tries to sweet talk Mozzie in this image from White Collar. The scene takes place on the 2/23/10 episode.

You got a friend in me.

Mozzie and Neal are in deep talk.

Mozzie Photo

Mozzie is mysterious. He's Neal's friend and his trusted ally within the world of white collar crime.

White Collar Quotes

Burke: You look like a cartoon!
Caffrey: This is classic Rat Pack - this is Devore!
Burke: Oh, sorry, Dino.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.