Yes, An Army - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

During the CDC riots we heard someone say, "We daughters shall make from twelve what man could not. Yes, an army."

A Familiar Face - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

Interesting, looks like part of Ramse's big plan involves a familiar face. Who is that under the hat?

Cassie Threatens Someone - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

Wait a second, who the heck is Cassie pointing a gun at here? Leave me your best guess in the comments below!

Sexy Time - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

Looks like the exes are about to enjoy a little sexy time. What could possibly go wrong?

Chechnya's in the Past - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

With the events of Chechnya behind them, Cassie and Aaron move forward with their lives. He turned out to be one of the good guys, did this surprise you?

Erasing the Future - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

Cole cruelly reminded Ramse his son's already dead. Did their argument finally make him realize Cole's success means erasing his family?

Ramse's Move - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

Throughout the season, Ramse has referenced the board game Go. Well, this episode's title hints at a non-obvious move that turns a losing game around. In Japanese the term means "Godly move."

Ramse's Promise - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10

Ramse makes his son a promise. How far will he go to protect his new family?

Ramse Meets the Daughters - 12 Monkeys

Ramse meets with the leader of The Daughters in an attempt to save his family from being erased.

The Virus Hits 2017 - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9

Were you shocked to learn that Cole had been pulled forward two years to 2017? There are several flashbacks/jumps coming this week, pay close attention so you don't get confused.

Ramse's Dilemma - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9

Ramse was reunited with Elena, and met a son he never knew he had. How will this affect his support of Project Splinter and Cole?

Cole Seems Angry - 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9

Though Cole is happy to see everyone, he seems angry in this shot? Has he heard some bad news?

12 Monkeys Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
