Otter Eyes With A Plan - 12 Monkeys

Cole spared Jennifer's life, but to what end? How did he stop her from spreading the deadly virus?

Splintering Resumes April 18 - 12 Monkeys

If you loved 12 Monkeys Season 1, then you're not going to want to miss the second run. Our heroes will be traveling to different eras attempting to stop the Army of the 12 Monkeys once and for all. Oh yeah, and the plague was just the beginning. The stakes are even higher now, as the Witness is relentless in his endgame. Tune in April 18 and tell a friend... or twelve!

Initiate Splinter Sequence - 12 Monkeys

That's right, Jones will be uttering the words "initiate splinter sequence" plenty in Season 2. Aside from 2016 and 2043, the series will jump between the 40s, 50s, 70s and at least five other decades. The time machine is going to be put to good use this year, and it's going to be a thrill ride for us as fans.

Scav Queen in Training - 12 Monkeys

Cassie splintered to 2043 in the Season 1 finale, but rather than reunite with Cole she strikes up a "friendship" with the ruthless leader of the West 7. What?!? Will training with the scavenger make her a killer? There's got to be more to his story, right? Can Cassie get to the bottom of it?

Jennifer's Soft Spot - 12 Monkeys

Jennifer has always had a soft spot for ol' otter eyes, but will Cole have the strength to take her out before she releases the virus? Is it possible Cassie steps in to do what Cole can not? And just how crazy is Ms. Goines? Or is there a method to her madness?

Altering Time For A Bro - 12 Monkeys

Cole changed time to save his brother, but what will the repercussions of that move be? Will the ex-BFF's work together to stop Olivia and her band of monkeys, or will the two friends go their separate ways? Would you be able to trust Ramse again?

Change is Inevitable - 12 Monkeys

With Cole stuck in 2016 and Cassie struggling to survive in 2043, how long before the two reunite to fight the Army of the 12 Monkeys? Will things be hunky-dory when our duo sees one another again? Can they work as a team or has their time apart changed them too much to see eye to eye? Most importantly, will they ever kiss?

Villain or Mentor? - 12 Monkeys

Deacon caused a ton of trouble for our heroes last season. Including breaking into Jones' facility with those creepy blue dudes (the Messengers). In the end though, the Scav King's all about survival and there's no one better to teach Cassie a thing or two about their post-apocalyptic world.

Hannah Still Means Everything - 12 Monkeys

Jones' daughter, Hannah, still drives the brilliant physicist's mission to alter the past and erase their dark reality. Katarina has done some questionable things in the name of restoring the world. What surprises does time have in store for her this season?

Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs - 12 Monkeys

Jennifer is cuckoo for cocoa puffs... but is she really? There seems to be more to her than just batshit crazy. When last we saw her, she was sitting on a jet plane carrying the virus. Will she go through with the monkey's plan to unleash the plague?

Ally to Traitor and Back Again - 12 Monkeys

Jose Ramse has gone from sidekick, to time traveler, to traitor and back again all in the name of saving his son. What will his relationship with Cole be like this season? Can they ever trust one another again? Ramse did save Cassie's life in the Season 1 finale... so there's that.

The Future Changes You - 12 Monkeys

Cassie was the idealistic doctor who swore to preserve human life at all cost. Flash forward to 2043, the good doctor has morphed into a badass fighting machine after finding herself stuck in Cole's violent time.

12 Monkeys Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
