Scornful -tall - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

J is scornful as he confronts his uncle about the past during ANimal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13 "Fubar."

Scoping Things out - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

Deran, Craig, and Pope scope out their surroundings and figure out their shot at survival after the prison break.

J's ending-tall - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

J follows through with his betrayal but will it be the ending that he anticipates or does it catch up to him?

J's Ultimate Plan -tall - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

J's ultimate plan consisted of betraying his uncles and taking off with everything, but will it came to fruition?

Pope Confronts J - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

Pope confronts J once and for all as they have an overdue conversation about their past and Julia on the series finale.

Is Baz the Father? - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

We're still left trying to figure out if Baz really is the father of Julia's baby or not on the series finale.

Burning Down a Legacy - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

Pope uses his last moments to burn everything and make things right on the series finale of Animal Kingdom

Craig's Last Stand - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

Craig may face his last stand as the brothers do whatever they can to break Pope free and go on the run.

Pope Confronts J -wide - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

Pope confronts J once and for all as they have an overdue conversation about their past and Julia on the series finale.

Twin Time - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 13

Julia and Andrew's relationship has been tested particularly after Smurf kicked Julia out. Will they ever be the same?

Codys Send a Message - Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 1

The Cody boys are united and send a message to Gia that she won't soon forget on the season premiere of Animal Kingdom.

Attempting a Prison Break -tall - Animal Kingdom

The Codys attempt to break Pope free from his prison caravan and intend to leave Oceanside, but will they succeed?

Animal Kingdom Season 6 Quotes

It's our anniversary. Six years ago, you walked through that door, and I knew I had another son.

Smurf [to teen Baz]

Pope: Not everything is about money, J.
J: I know. But this is. We need to look into another job.