Barkskins Creator

Elwood Reid is the creator, showrunner, and executive producer for the historical drama Barkskins.

Quarry Found - Barkskins

Yvon brings Elisabeth back into the safety of Wobik.

In Pursuit - Barkskins

Hawahstha' and Häa'tatoyenhk follow the Iroquois back to their village.

Lost is Found - Barkskins

Mathilde finds the missing teen Renardette in the barn.

Uncomfortable Situation -- Tall - Barkskins

Indentured servant Sel and his master's lover Mari pause during work in the woods.

Uncomfortable Situation - Barkskins

Indentured servant Sel and his master's lover Mari pause during work in the woods.

New Wife - Barkskins

Melissande, a Filles du Roi, stands on the balcony at Trepagny's manor house.

Life Change - Barkskins

Claudette, a former Filles du Roi, floats in a pond after miscarrying.

Unexpected Arrival - Barkskins

Hamish Goames and Yvon arrive at New France seeking a Hudson Bay official who disappeared after an Indian massacre.

New Workers - Barkskins

Claude Trepagny selects Duquet as one of his servants as Sel, who recommended Duquet, looks on.

Barkskins Quotes

It doesn't matter what happened before. Here we can begin again.

Sel [to Duquet]

Duquet: I want to go back to France.
Sel: There's no going back. We must ready for our new lives.