Joanna and Billy Go Though MFS Records - Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 5

Joanna and Billy try to find pertinent information in records from Millwood Family Services but it is hard because the names are redacted.

Joanna and Billy 3x05

Joanna and Billy investigate Millwood Family Services.

Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Luna: Have you ever been happy? Like truly happy?
Kat: Wow. Okay. Uh- Usually, people start off with 'nice weather we're having,' but ... a long time ago, yeah. You?
Luna: I don't know. I thought I was for a minute and then ...
Kat: It just turns on a dime?
Luna: Millwood was my home and then suddenly it was my worst nightmare.

Joanna: Why do you keep fostering?
Pastor Parson: Because a lot of these foster homes aren't safe; these kids need somewhere to go. But once they're in the system, it's never a happy ending.