Overturned - Burden of Truth

Billy and Joanna get blindsided when an injunction is overturned on Burden of Truth. "Spirits in the Material World" is the fifth episode of the show's fourth season.

Reviewing files-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Nevin, Joanna, and Billy try to find something to prove reasonable doubt.

Owen cracking the case-Burden of Truth

Owen questions Crystal about Hatcher, not knowing what she knows.

Taylor investigating the hotel-Buden of Truth - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Taylor questioning the hotel clerk about suspicious activity.

How will it affect my daughter-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Joanna worries how this case will affect her daughter.

Take the deal-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Nevin tries to convince Joanna to take the plea deal.

Luna for the defense-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Luna tries hard to find evidence to clear her sister.

Joanna and Billy come up with a plan-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Joanna and Billy come up with a plan to create reasonable doubt.

The sisters disagree on the plea - Burden of Truth

Joanna and Luna argue over if Joana should take the deal.

Joanna and Billy discuss the plea deal - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 4

Joanna and Billy discuss the plea deal and Joanna being disbarred.

Worried Billy-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 3

Billy is concerned that Joanna has PTSD anxiety and is going too far.

Emotional Joanna-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 3

Joanna is determined to fight for her innocence but does she go too far?

Burden of Truth Quotes

Juries like blue. Brings out your eyes


Joanna: We want the jury to think this could happen to them.
Billy: Play on their fear.
Joanna: But not too hard or we'll lose them. Stay likable.
Billy: I am likable.
Joanna: Jury's still out, Crawford.
Billy: I'm more likable than you.
Joanna: Well, that is a very low bar.