Adama, Joseph

Joseph Adama looks on in this scene from "Ghosts in the Machine." It's the eighth episode of Caprica's first season.

Lacy and Keon

Lacy is seen here with Keon. It's from the episode "The Imperfections of Memory."


Joseph isn't exactly a holoband expert. But he's learning more and more about the technology.

Clarice and Amanda

Clarice gets close to Amanda during the episode "The Imperfections of Memory." The former learns something new about the latter in this installment.

Lacy Rand Pic

Magda Apanowicz stars on Caprica in the role of Lacy Rand. This is a photo of her from the episode "Know Thy Enemy."

Slow Dance Scene

Amanda and Daniel share a dance in this Caprica scene. It's from the episode "Know Thy Enemy."

Cyrus and Daniel

This is a scene from "Know Thy Enemy." It's the 3/5/10 episode of Caprica.

Tamara Adama Photo

Genevieve Buechner stars on Caprica in the role of Tamara Adama. She's dead, but her avatar is very much alive.

Mr. Adama

Joseph Adama is a father torn apart by pain and guilt on Caprica. He's seen here in the episode "There is Another Sky."

Talk Show Appearance

Daniel Graystone didn't get off to a great start on the Baxter Sarno show. But his wife came to his eventual rescue.

Clarice Willow Pic

Polly Walker is pictured here in the role of Clarice Willow. She's a mysterious character on Caprica.

Clarice and Lacy

Clarice has taken an unusual interest in Lacy. We wonder what her end game might be.

Caprica Season 1 Quotes

You can see your daughter again. Isn't that worth whatever price you have to pay?

Daniel Graystone

Sometimes faith can be a victim of chance.

Sister Clarice Willow