Phony Smile

Castle attempts a smile in this scene. But circumstances aren't making it easy for him to be happy.


We haven't seen Gina often on season three of Castle. But she tries to bond with Alexis on the episode Anatomy of a Murder.

Castle Family

Castle is seen here with his daughter. On season three, he deals with the latter actually having a boyfriend.


HA! HA! Castle gets laughed at, big time, in this scene from the 10/11/10 episode, "Punked."

Confused Investigators

There's a reason Castle and Beckett look confused in this photo from the episode "Punked." The victim they are investigating was killed with a bullet that's 200 years old.

Under the Gun Scene

Castle looks on as Beckett puts a perp in cuffs. This shot is courtesy of the episode "Under the Gun."

Trio of Crim Fighters

Beckett's former partner is back on the show's 10/4/10 episode. This might make things awkward for Castle.

Graveyard Shooting

Gun and shovels are all the rage in this scene from Castle. As you can see, it takes place in a graveyard.

A Lovable Duo

Castle and Beckett don't just track a killer on the second episode of season three. They hold a debate about the validity of special abilities.

Taking a Suspect In

Take him in, boys! The officers do their jobs in this scene from the second episode of Castle's third season.

A Beckett Smile

Beckett flashes Castle a smile in this scene from the ABC hit. You can't blame her, can you?

Come with Her

Castle is actually a suspect on the season premiere of his show. Beckett must take him in for questioning.

Castle Season 3 Quotes

He really is ruggedly handsome.

Ryan (looking at cutout of Castle)

Ryan: (drops egg off desk)
Beckett: Are you guys reenacting the "Humpty Dumpty crime scene?"