Saunder's Personal Connection

Greg Saunders has trouble dealing with the latest murder due to his personal connection to the victim on CSI. "It Was a Very Good Year" is the fourth episode of the show's 13th season.
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Nick Invetigates a Police Dog

Nick investigates a police dog's role in the death of an officer on CSI. "Play Dead" is the fifth episode of the show's 13th season.
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Arriving At a Grave Site

Brass and Russell arrive at Warrick Brown's grave site where a body has been left on CSI. "Fallen Angels" is the sixth episode of the show's 13th season.
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Questioning Linda Burns

A tense moment in CSI when Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda) and Captain Jim Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) question Linda Burns (Alexie Gilmore). The wife of a murdered coach on "Pick and Roll"
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Finlay's Bad News

Finlay gets bad news form Capt. Robinson on CSI. "CSI on Fire" is the eighth episode of the show's 13th season.
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Brass' Reality

Brass must face some surprising news about his daughter on CSI. "Strip Maul" is the ninth episode of the show's 13th season.
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Sara's Old Flame

Sara runs into an old flame during an investigation on CSI. "Risky Business Class" is the ninth episode of the show's 13th season.
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Morgan Becomes Suspicious

Morgan becomes suspicious during the investigation of an anchor who was killed on air on CSI. "Dead Air" is the tenth episode of the show's 13th season.
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The Ball Machine

Will a ball machine factor into the case concerning a rising tennis star on CSI? "Double Fault" is the 11th episode of the show's 13th season.
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Mac Taylor Needs Help

Gary Sinise guest stars when Mac Taylor heads to Vegas asking D.B. Russell for help finding his girlfriend on CSI. "In Vino Veritas" is the 12th episode of the show's 13th season.
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Sara's a Suspect

Sara ends up a suspect in a murder investigation on CSI. "Forget Me Not" is the 13th episode of the show's 13th season.
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Greg & Morgan Find Evidence

Greg and Morgan find important evidence during an investigation on CSI. "Exile" is the 13th episode of the show's 13th season.
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CSI Quotes

Nick Stokes: Open bottle of Vodka, a used glass. What do you think; one last drink?
Greg Sanders: One last laugh.

Dr. Robbins: A racist gets stabbed before he can drown. Some would call that justice.
Ray Langston: We still have to call it murder.