Lady in the Water - Dead of Summer

This is the group of Dead of Summer Season 1 in a trailer on Youtube.

Dead of Summer Teens

This is the group of Dead of Summer Season 1 in a trailer on Youtube.

Campfire Tales - Dead of Summer

Is the legend of the cursed camp true? Should the counselors be heading out for their lives? Anything is possible in this horror tale.

The Camp - Dead of Summer

A group of camp counsellors discover that Camp Stillwater comes with some dark secrets, and that none of them are there by accident.

Awaiting His Impending Death - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

This cop isn't going to last for long. Amy can survive bullet wounds with Malphas' help, and she has an ax. Nice knowing you, guy.

Are You Okay, Miss? - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Amy is such a great actress. Makes sense because she's also a sociopath. Looks like she's found her next victim.

What's Going On Here? - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Finally, a real cop! What brings him to Camp Stillwater? Did that girl from Amy's last high school call the police before she was blatantly ax murdered?

Home Sweet Home - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Amy finally found her home, but hopefully she never leaves it. She's too psychotic to unleash onto society again. She killed her family, Margot, Blotter, Cricket, the landscaper, Deb, and whoever that other girl was. Her head count is high.

Hide And Seek - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

It's Killer Amy against Camp Stillwater. Who will win?

Sweat And Tears - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Doing what you love never comes easy, especially when that involves killing all of your friends and resurrecting an ancient demon.

Jessie and Alex - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Will both of them survive? If Jessie dies, everyone dies, Garrett warns. She is the pure one; the only one able to stop Malphas. But who will sacrifice themselves to save Jessie and stop Amy? Will this be Alex's redeeming moment?

Don't Speak! - Dead of Summer Season 1 Episode 10

I know just what you're saying... So please stop explaining... don't tell me 'cause Amy's coming after us with an ax!

Dead of Summer Quotes

I need to give her the official notice to open camp, since there's no killer on the loose.


Margot: I have to get out of here!
Amy: Hey! We're in this together!