Dan the Man -tall - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 1

Dan Gallagher seemingly has everything that he could possibly want until one unfateful event and decision changes his life.

The Dan Problem -tall - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 2

Ellen and Beth must adjust to their world shifting again when faced with Dan 15 years after he went to prison.

Humbled - tall - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 2

Dan Gallagher (Joshua Jackson) must figure out what his life has to offer 15 years after he went to prison for murdering Alex.

Beth -tall - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 1

Amanda Peet stars as Beth, Dan's wife, a supportive woman who has no idea what's in store for her family.

Trial Face -tall - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 3

Dan is immersed in a big trial as he tries to juggle all aspects of his life on Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 3.

Dinner with Lovers - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 3

Dan and Alex share dinner together as they have embarked on an illicit affair with deadly consequences.

Wet, Wild, Fun - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 2

Dan (Joshua Jackson) and Alex (Lizzy Caplan) connect and share laughs as they embark on an illicit affair.

Evening with Beth - Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 1

Dan (Joshua Jackson) and Beth (Amanda Peet) spend an evening out together as a happy married couple on Fatal Attraction.

Fatal Attraction Season 1 Quotes

Beth: So what happens now?
Dan: Nothing.
Beth: But you crashed a company car drunk.
Dan: Well, we know that, and Mike knows that, but they don't know that.

Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
