News? - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Travis looks tense. Is there news? Should Alicia take cover? Boarding the Abigail seems just too easy to this viewer.

Waiting for the All Clear - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Daniel is waiting for the all clear, guarding the luggage and the yacht, ensuring nobody but those preapproved are boarding the Abigail.

Our Man Strand - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Who is Strand, anyway? He saved Nick from the bowels of the containment area, saved everyone from the chaos of the city and saves them again from the ravaged walkers on the beach. But I bet he's no savior at all. I bet there's a lot to learn about this mystery man.

Still in Mourning - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Ofelia is still in mourning for her mother as she takes refuge on the Abigail. She will either have to snap out of it or find herself among the first casualties of Fear the Walking Dead Season 2. The inactive rarely make it far.

Teenage Antics - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

There isn't too much trouble a couple of teenagers can get into on a yacht out in the middle of the ocean, right? They look pretty passive. No doubt everything will be A-OK.

Surveying the Water - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Travis and Daniel are doing manly things, surveying the water, imagining what lies ahead. They're also wondering whether they should trust Strand. A man they hardly know and in whose hands their near future now rests.

Food, Glorious Food - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

If nothing else, food is plentiful on the Abigail. Unless the virus is in the water and somehow starts infecting the fish, they should be good for as long as they're afloat and fish are repopulating. Right?

All Aboard! - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Everyone is on board. They're clear to move. Their destination? San Diego. What stands between them and their final stop is a complete mystery.

What is Out There? - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Once they're on the open water, what can hurt them? Is being stuck on a moving vessel surrounded by water with no way to escape a safe option or one even more dire? These families are about to find out.

Rescuing the Beachers - Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1

Nick is getting the people from the chaos on the beach to the "safety" on the Abigail. Is there such thing as safe in this world anymore? We know what their future holds. They, for now, remain blissfully unaware of the full extent of the damage.

Searching the Sea - Fear the Walking Dead

Madison and Alicia are eagerly searching the sea, but for what are they on the lookout? There is danger everywhere. Even on the water.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Quotes

I could have fixed it! You shot her!


Nick: What if San Diego doesn't work out?
Strand: I don't know. The whole world is I don't know right now. You should know about that.