Olivia and Broyles

Olivia and Broyles and the team race against the clock during the episode "Fracture." There's a bombing at a train station during this hour.

Out of Massive Dynamic

What is going on with Massive Dynamic. That's what Olivia Dunham wants to know.

William Bell Pic

William Bell returns in the October 8, 2009 episode of Fringe. He's played, of course, by Leonard Nimoy.

Asking for Help

Come on! Can't you please help a mad scientist out? No one has to know.

Night of Desirable Objects Scene

Investigating unusual activity at a cemetery is pretty much par for the course for Peter. This is a scene from "Night of Desirable Objects."

Always Experimenting

Even for Walter, his experiment during the episode "Night of Desirable Objects" is unusual: he uses frogs to travel between realities.

A Check Up

Is something wrong with Olivia? That's a loaded question, considering what we know about this Fringe character.

At the Doctor

Olivia visits the doctor during this scene from Fringe. It's taken from the show's second episode of the second season.

Peter Investigates

Peter and Olivia are in Pennsylvania for a case in this photo. A rather unusual investigation is underway there.

Birthday Time

Walter and Astrid host a birthday party on the second season premiere of Fringe. So does this cow.

Amy Jessup

Meghan Markle gets right into the action on her first day working within the Fringe division. She plays agent Amy Jessup.

Agent at Work

New agent Amy Jessup gets in on the dead body action. She's assigned to a case on the second season premiere of Fringe.

Fringe Season 2 Quotes

Feel his anus! It's soaking wet!


Walter thinks that she was a shape-changing soldier from another universe. He thinks that might be where you went. Do you think it's a bad sign that I can say that out loud and neither of us thinks I'm crazy?


Fringe Season 2 Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes