Direwolf Grey Wind

Rubbing salt in the wound, Arya's tremendous journey to find them dies with her family at The Red Wedding where she witnesses the Frey crossbowmen shooting Robb's direwolf Grey Wind and he passes as she watches on.
Rating: Unrated

Catelyn Stark

Catelyn's anguist at witnessing the death of what she thought her last living son, his wife and her grandchild to be caused her to take an innocent life before having her own throat slit, knowing all the while if she hadn't let the kingslayer go, the ending might be different.
Rating: Unrated

Robb Stark

After Robb attended to his dying wife and with his mother looking on in horror, he's pierced with arrows before Bolton lances him sending regards from the Lannisters -- the harbingers of evil. The race for the Iron Throne gets smaller.
Rating: Unrated

Talisa and Unborn Stark

Robb's wife Talisa was gutted, making her death even more horrific as her first thought was about her unborn child. She died as Robb and Catelyn looked on at what was supposed to be a grand affair and turned into The Red Wedding.
Rating: Unrated

Khal Drago

Drago seemed like a poor match for Dany at first, but they were perfectly suited and between them grew a great love. He seemed unstoppable, but was cut down by a flesh wound. Returned by Blood Magic as a changed being, Daenerys took her husband's life again so he wouldn't suffer.
Rating: Unrated

Viserys Targaryen

Be careful what you wish for! Khal Drogo had about enough of Viserys treating Daenerys like crap and demanding his Dothraki army complete with gold crown so he gave him one -- of the molten kind.
Rating: Unrated

Lord Commander Mormont

Lord Mormont, who we once thought would guide Jon Snow as he took command of the Night's Watch, was stabbed in the back by his own men after surviving a fight with White Walkers. If you're old, don't take a bunch of men where they don't want to go and to a guy who's gonna withhold food. Hungry men will kill you.
Rating: Unrated

Syrio Forel

Arya learned how to use her beloved "Needle" that she received from Robb with help from dance master Syrio. The pesky Lannisters try to kill Arya and Syrio fends them off with a wooden training sword long enough for her to escape before dying off screen.
Rating: Unrated


Yoren died defending Arya and Gendry from Lannister men as he was loaded full of arrows, took a lance to the chest and a sword to the back of his neck finally downed the fan favorite.
Rating: Unrated

King Robert Baratheon

And thus the Game of Thrones begins when Robert's loving wife Cersei secures his death by ensuring he over-drinks on a hunt and gets gored by a boar. It's also the beginning of Ned's downfall.
Rating: Unrated

Lady the Direwolf

Lady paid the ultimate price for what her sister Nymeria did -- bit Joffrey on the arm to protect Arya (and because Joffrey is an ass). Ned had to put down Sansa's beloved direwolf proving proving our distaste for Joffrey was spot on. Nymeria now runs free.
Rating: Unrated

Renly Baratheon

Renly received a full blown supernatural death at the hands of Melisandre's baby smoke monster raising the "anything goes" factor on GoT. He was too soft-hearted to be playing at king, poor dear.
Rating: Unrated

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
