Jonathan Groff on Glee

Jonathan Groff recurred on season one of Glee. He'll return for three episodes of season two.

Warblers Album Cover Art

Will you purchase an all-Warblers album? This is the cover art for the CD.

Darren Criss and Chris Colfer

Darren Criss and Chris Colfer pose on the red carpet of PaleyFest 2011 here. The actors then went inside the event and dished on their characters.

Amber Riley at PaleyFest

Amber Riley poses here on the red carpet of PaleyFest 2011. The event took place in March of 2011.

A Kurt Solo

Kurt was very nervous before his first public solo. But he fared rather well, don't you think?

Dancing for Artie

Did Glee take it too far by having Gwyneth Paltrow's Holly dance in front of a student in this manner? Some think so.

Warblers at Regionals

The spotlight is on Kurt and Blaine in this scene. They lead the Warblers during Regionals.

Regionals Performance

Do it, New Directions! The group is seen here during a performance at Regionals.

Will and Holly

Will and Holly are about to do a lot more than dance. Are you excited to see these two date?

Carl and Emma

We'll get a hefty dose of Carl and Emma on the Glee episode "Sexy." They'll need a bit of advice about life in the bedroom.

Kurt and Burt

It looks like Burt is making a real effort to understand his son. But Kurt doesn't want to hear any of it.

Most of New Directions

Most of New Directions can be seen here. It's an image from the episode "Sexy."

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
